Monday, April 14, 2003

Must Read Macromedia Blogs

Macromedia has been one of the very few companies to have taken blogging seriously. It actively encourages their employees to blog. Some of them are eminently readable and are pretty valuable for keeping uptodate on product development and the direction their products are heading. This gives us a much needed edge as we can anticipate and start developing products based on this advance information. In many cases, we have gone ahead with product development where certain critical components were still not launched by Macromedia, but which, we were sure, would be incorporated in future releases.

Over to the blogs..

General intro to the Macromedia blogs and a nice set of articles on flash
Ed Krimen Ex-Vice President ( Developer Community) Macromedia

Short on Macromedia specific products, but has a lot of info on Wi-Fi, Opensource and interviews with Sergei Brin, Tim Berners Lee, etc.,
Jeremy Allaire (Founder Emeritius, Macromedia CTO):

On Dreamweaver MX issues
Mike Chambers Matt Brown (Community Manager for Dreamweaver ), Macromedia.

The philosophy of product design at Macromedia, info on the next series of products on the drawing board, a detailed white paper on the roadmap etc., A must read.
Kevin Lynch, Chief Software Architect , Macromedia.

A nice article on using two powerful tools together
Using Director and Flash together

A simple and lucid tracker of stuff relating to Macromedia MX
John Dowdell, Tech Support, Macromedia


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