Saturday, April 12, 2003

So much to do, so little time !!

What an amazing array of sciences to learn and enjoy ! It is indded a pity life is so short !

Just started on Automobile basics with Jagan and want to do the following

1.Build a car from scratch, using junk materials
2.Retrofit a mountain bike ( Hercules Ranger) with a small TVS engine
3. Build a motorcycle from scratch

Cooking is more or less learnt as I've a grasp of the basics and so am confident I can turn out quite a few cuisines/recipes.However baking cakes, bread, using ovens, making cheese, making wine , liquers, whiskey etc needs to be learnt.

Architecture is another fascinating field I want to dabble in. Idea is to

1.Design and Build a house single handedly
2. USe non conventional designs ( Earth sheltered houses etc) and building materials ( Straw bales, Automobile tires, Aluminium cans , rammed earth etc )

Let's see how far I progress on these !


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