Thursday, April 17, 2003

The Cosmic Time Scale

15 Billion years ago : Big Bang

2 Billion years later ( 2 Billion years after Big Bang): Stars and Galaxies form

A few hundred million years later : First Stars burn out burning Hydrogen and helium into CArbon, Oxygen and iron

2 Billion years later ( 4 Bn yrs after Big Bang) : Planets start forming

6 Bn years later : (10 Bn years after Big bang) : Our solar system starts forming from the gas contaminated by heavier elements

2.5 Bn years >> For life to evolve from Single cell to Multi cellular animals

Recorded history = 10,000 years

Total info in our genes = 100 Mn bits = 50 Mils & Boon novels

Rate of Biological evolution = 1 Bit/year

Expected lifetime of universe = 30 Bn years from Big Bang to Big Crunch


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