Macromedia Central
Macromedia Central
Macromedia Central doesn't support files is because Central is built upon the Macromedia Flash Player. As flash player is tiny, portable renderer, and it support more stuff like Director. The larger Director can hold the smaller Flash, but not vice-versa
Macromedia Central uses a three-tier installtion:
The first layer installed is the Flash Player 6, which is the actual rendering engine for Central. This is the core, the center of Central. As flash is already present on 98% of client machines, Macromedia is leveraging on this strength.
The next layer is the Macromedia Central shell. the core tool set, the standard UI components, the discovery/transaction engine and the rest. This provides an expanded services layer atop the Macromedia Flash Player.
The last layer is the set of applications people create. No extra playing code required because flash handles it. No UI components or connectivity code required because layer 2 handles it. No data needed because these are pulled as live web services.
Each layer builds upon the previous installations.
User Comments :
User comment : ".NET is .better"
.NET can do some things the Macromedia Flash Player cannot. And Macromedia Central can fill some needs that .NET cannot. A pocket tool is useful because it can be used in more situations than a fifty-pound toolchest can.
"Macromedia wants too much money"
Macromedia Central will host freeware for free. For paying work, most developers have found the Macromedia Central discovery and transaction services to be a better deal than anything else out there
"Everyone will always be connected" So why need OCC ?
Eventually, you'd have a live connection from anywhere on the planet. No one knows how long it will take.
Now that we're moving away from the desktop, there will be many years when our devices move in and out of range of a hub. We need to take advantage of connectivity when it's there, and to provide the same user experience when there's no connectivity.
We shouldn't need to change what we do just because of where we are... we need to buffer the connectivity. At some point this will be superfluous, true, but this will be an important feature for a good number of years.
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