The age ofthe Non Entity
Just saw Russel Crowe being handcuffed and frog marched to a US prison for assaulting a hotel employee because he could not get a line through to his wife in Australia.
Other news stories about Michael Jackson's pecadillos, Pari's Hilton's videos etc come to my mind. Aren't these people 'special' ? Should'nt they be able to control the environment to make it easier for them to indulge in their whims like assaulting 'menials' or seducing young boys or taping their love bouts without fear of facing public scrutiny ? Alas, they were born too late. A couple of centuries too late. They now live in the Age of theNon Entity in which celebrities or the super rich are impotent and it is the non entities who actually rule.
This is the age of the non entity. The first of its kind in the world. Here those with real power are the non entities. In this changed world, the rules are different too. It is not the rare which is precious, but the common. It is not fame which is precious but anonymity. The powerful forces of democracy and technology have for the first time produced the age of the non entity.
More on this later....